Archive for the ‘terrorist detainees’ Category

Abusive tactics doesn’t lead to good intelligence

September 18, 2006

Summary: During the previous week while the Bush administration was trying to push for passage of a bill that allowed them to use “torture light” tactics on prisoners, the LA Times ran an article with a buried section on how US military leaders don’t believe such tactics lead to good intelligence.  The intelligence gained from such abuse has little credibility, any good that comes out of it is undercut by the damage it does to the reputation of the US abroad.




How 3 G.O.P. Veterans Stalled Bush Detainee Bill

September 18, 2006

Summary: Three Key Republicans, McCain, Graham, and Warner, stall a bill that the White House was aiming to get passed, which basically rewrites the Geneva Conventions. In addition, Democrats and Republicans approach near a filibuster-proof margin of support for following the Geneva Conventions.

